Events and Services
Sunday Morning Worship Service with Pastor Gerald Fair
Sundays @ 10 AM
Come and join us as we worship The Lord and read through Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians with Pastor Gerald Fair. Childcare will be provided.
At the Master’s Feet
Mondays @ 10 AM
Come and join us every Monday morning for a time of waiting upon the Lord with Pastor Gerald Fair.
Men’s Discipleship Ministry
Tuesdays @ 5 PM
All men are welcome to meet here at the church for a time of teaching on discipleship
Wednesday Morning Worship and Prayer Time
Temporarily on hold until further notice.
Thursday Night Bible Study with Pastor Gerald Fair
Thursdays @ 6 PM
Come and join us for an in-depth study through the Book of Numbers  with Pastor Gerald Fair. Youth ministry and childcare are also available.
Women’s Bible Study
Saturdays @ 10 AM
All women are invited to come and meet here at the church for a time of Bible study.
Tehachapi Hospital Volunteers
Please see the information table for details about how to get involved.